
Visualizzazione dei post da agosto, 2019

Una balena megattera nuota nelle acque ghiacciate della Norvegia

​​​​​​​   The unsuspecting sea lion got snapped by local photographer Chase Dekker    CREDIT:   CHASE DEKKER/ AFP   Carlie Porterfield 31 JULY 2019 • 12:25PM Follow   A wildlife photographer got the snap of a lifetime when a California sea lion he was photographing found itself caught between the jaws of a humpback whale. This time of year is peak humpback sighting season in Monterey Bay, California. Whale herds stop in the area to snack on anchovies, but the small fish are also a favorite food of sea lions.  Usually the species manage to avoid each other, local photographer Chase Dekker said. But when he went to take pictures of feeding last week, an unsuspecting sea lion got caught up in the frenzy. Dekker saw three humpback whales approach a school of anchovies a pack of sea lions were feeding on. The moment a clumsy sea lion was swallowed by a humpback whale during a f...